

No Shame in the Brow Game

Have you been tiptoeing around the idea of microblading but find yourself buried under a pile of questions? You’re not alone! Whether it’s the pain, the price, or the procedure itself, we’ve got answers to your most burning questions. Say goodbye to brow-mares (that’s brow nightmares) and hello to enlightenment!

The Big One: Does it Hurt?

Let’s rip off the Band-Aid: it’s not a tickle fest, but it’s far from unbearable. We use numbing cream to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible. But let’s be real, beauty has its price, and this one is absolutely worth it!

How Long Does it Last?

Imagine not having to draw your brows every morning for up to 3 years! With proper aftercare and occasional touch-ups, your brows could be your least time-consuming feature.

What’s the Price Tag?

Think of it this way: how much do you spend on brow pencils, powders, and gels every year? Chances are, microblading is an investment that could actually save you money in the long run. For a detailed price list, head over to our Treatments Page.

Who Can Get It Done?

Almost anyone can get microblading done, but if you’re pregnant, nursing, or have specific medical conditions, it’s best to consult your doctor first.

How Do I Prepare for My Appointment?

Here’s a hot tip: stop tweezing those brows at least a week before your appointment. We want as much natural brow to work with as possible.

What’s the Catch?

No catch, just beauty. As with any procedure, there are risks involved, but they’re minimal if you’re in the hands of experts. Still unsure? Take a gander at our results page and see for yourself how transformative this can be.

Conclusion: Still Got Questions?

If you’re still sitting on the fence, why not book a consultation? We love a good chat, especially about brows. Let us guide you through this brow-tastic journey!


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