

lip blush

Lip blush is a cosmetic tattooing procedure designed to enhance the natural appearance of the lips by adding colour and definition. This semi-permanent makeup technique involves depositing pigments into the upper layers of the skin, similar to microblading for eyebrows.
Here’s an explanation of the Lip Blush treatment.


The lip blush procedure typically begins with a consultation where the client discusses their desired lip colour, shape, and overall goals. A trained technician then carefully applies pigments to the lips using a specialised tattoo machine.

Colour Selection:

Clients can choose a range of colours, from natural tones to bolder shades, depending on their preferences and the desired outcome. The technician works with the client to determine the most suitable colour for their skin tone and aesthetic goals.


The lip blush technique involves creating a soft and subtle gradient of colour on the lips. The pigment is strategically applied to enhance the natural contour and shape of the lips. The goal is to achieve a more defined and fuller appearance while maintaining a natural look.


Lip blush results in a semi-permanent tint that can last for a couple of years, typically around 2-5 years. The longevity of the treatment varies from person to person and is influenced by factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare.


After the procedure, clients are usually advised to follow specific aftercare instructions provided by the technician. This may include avoiding certain activities, like swimming or exposure to direct sunlight, and applying recommended ointments to aid in the healing process.


Like other semi-permanent makeup treatments, lip blush may require touch-ups to maintain the desired colour and shape. Touch-up sessions are typically scheduled a few weeks after the initial procedure to address any fading or unevenness.

Lip blush is a popular choice for individuals seeking a semi-permanent solution to enhance the appearance of their lips, providing a subtle and natural-looking result. It is essential to choose a skilled and experienced technician to ensure the best outcome and minimise any potential risks.

lip neutralisation

Dark lip neutralisation treatment is a cosmetic procedure within the realm of semi-permanent makeup that aims to address and balance the natural colour of dark or hyper-pigmented lips. This technique is designed to lighten or neutralise the existing lip colour, creating a more even and subdued appearance.
Here’s an explanation of the dark lip neutralisation treatment:

Concerns Addressed:

People seeking dark lip neutralisation may have lips with a deeper or uneven pigmentation that they find aesthetically undesirable. This may include lips with a naturally dark hue, hyperpigmentation, or variations in colour that they wish to correct.

Pigment Selection:

The process involves selecting a pigment colour that helps counteract or neutralise the darkness of the lips. The chosen pigment is often a lighter shade that complements the individual’s skin tone and desired lip colour. The goal is to achieve a more balanced and natural-looking lip tone.


The treatment is tailored to the client’s preferences, allowing for customisation based on the desired outcome. Multiple layers of pigment may be applied to achieve the optimal result while maintaining a natural appearance.

Results and Aftercare:

After the procedure, there may be some initial swelling, redness, or discomfort, which typically subsides as the skin heals. Following aftercare instructions is crucial to promote proper healing and maintain the results. This may involve avoiding certain activities and using recommended ointments.


As with many semi-permanent makeup procedures, dark lip neutralisation may require more than one touch-up sessions to refine the colour or address any fading over time. These touch-ups are usually scheduled a few weeks after the initial treatment.

It’s important to note that the success of dark lip neutralisation depends on factors such as the individual’s skin type, the specific pigmentation concerns, and how well they follow aftercare instructions. Choosing a skilled and experienced technician is essential to achieving the desired outcome while minimising risks and ensuring a natural-looking result.


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