

Fat dissolving

Fat dissolving treatments typically refer to non-surgical procedures designed to reduce localized pockets of fat. One common approach involves injecting a solution called lemon bottle into the targeted area. This solution works to break down fat cells, leading to their gradual elimination from the body.
Commonly used for areas with stubborn fat deposits, such as under the chin (double chin), thighs, or abdomen, these treatments aim to contour and reshape the body without the need for surgery. Results are not immediate, as the body takes time to naturally metabolize and eliminate the dissolved fat cells.
It’s essential to note that fat dissolving treatments are not a substitute for weight loss and are most effective for individuals close to their ideal weight who have isolated areas of fat resistant to diet and exercise. As with any cosmetic procedure, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified professional to assess suitability, potential side effects, and expected outcomes based on individual health and goals.
per vial of 10ml


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