

Your Brows Deserve the Best

Eyebrows are the frame of your face, so you wouldn’t want to trust just anyone to paint that picture, would you? When it comes to microblading, your choice of artist is pivotal for the masterpiece that will become your brows. Here’s your ultimate guide to making the wisest choice of your beauty life.

Experience Matters

Remember, you’re not just buying a treatment; you’re investing in the artist’s experience. Ask to see their portfolio, and don’t be shy to ask how long they’ve been in the game.

Reviews Don’t Lie (Mostly)

Stalk them online, and we mean this in the most loving way. Check reviews, and not just the five-star ones. A critical review here and there is natural, but a pattern of them should raise a red flag.

Certifications, Please!

If their only training was watching a 10-minute YouTube tutorial, run for the hills! Certifications aren’t just pieces of paper; they’re proof of professionalism.

The Consultation is Key

An artist worth their salt will insist on a consultation. This is your opportunity to ask all your questions, see the studio, and get a feel for the person who will be making permanent changes to your face.

The Portfolio is the Preview

Any reputable artist will have a portfolio of their work. This is your sneak peek into the future—your future brows, to be exact. Take note of their style; is it what you’re looking for?

Your Budget Isn’t Trivial

The saying “you get what you pay for” rings especially true for microblading. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. Your face is worth the investment.

The Power is in Your Hands

You hold the power to choose who shapes your brows and, in a way, your destiny. Why not make an informed decision? If you’re still undecided, we’re more than happy to answer any queries you may have during a consultation.


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