

Immediate Aftercare Timeline

Day 1: The First Touch

Gently wipe your brows on the hour, every hour. This is essential for optimal microblading healing.

Day 2: Less is More

Reduce the wiping frequency to every three hours to let the natural healing process unfold.

Day 3: A Simplified Routine

Limit your brow care to three main times: morning, afternoon, and evening.

Days 4-5: The Twice-Daily Care

Just a simple wipe in the morning and evening will do.

Days 6-10: Ointment Application

Now is the time to start with your protective ointment. Apply a thin layer each morning until the scabs naturally fall away. Refrain from picking or pulling at the scabs; doing so could jeopardise your beautiful new brows.

What to Expect: The Healing Journey

Days 1-5: The Bold Phase

Your brows will look darker and feel thicker as scabs form to protect the microbladed area.

Days 6-10: The Itchy Period

Expect some itchiness as the scabs begin to fall off, revealing slightly patchy areas. This is a normal part of the process.

Days 10-14: The Subtle Stage

Don’t be alarmed if the pigment looks lighter; your skin is regenerating, covering the pigment temporarily.

Days 14-21: The Big Reveal

As your new skin forms, any pigment or strokes that haven’t been retained will be addressed in your top-up session. Trust the process – your brows will thank you!

Essential Brow Care Tips

First 5 Days: Keep water away from your brows. Opt for a clean cloth or wipes to cleanse your face.

Post 5 Days: Feel free to shower and wash your face as you normally would.

First 10 Days: Say no to saunas, excessive sweating, facial massages, and any steam treatments.

General Precautions: Stick to the protective ointment provided and avoid any other creams. Once past the initial two weeks, SPF becomes your brows’ best friend. Also, avoid any makeup application on the brow area during this period.

Medical Precautions: Laser treatments, antibiotics, and hormonal treatments can impact your microblading results, so tread cautiously.

Your 30-Day Caution List

Avoid sun tanning, sunbeds, laser therapy, chemical peels, fruit acids, and microdermabrasion. Essentially, give your brows the peace they need to fully blossom into their new shape!



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