

Maintaining Your Masterpiece

So, you’ve taken the plunge and got your brows microbladed. They look fabulous, turning heads wherever you go. But, like maintaining a classic car or a chic hairstyle, your brows need a bit of love and attention to keep them looking their best. Enter the world of microblading touch-ups.

The Inevitable Fade

Let’s face it; nothing lasts forever. The stunning brows you walked out of the studio with will eventually fade. The sun, your skincare routine, and even your diet can affect how long the pigment lasts. Usually, you’ll notice a gradual fading after 12 to 18 months.

Touch-up Timeframes

Many artists recommend a touch-up every 12-18 months, but some may suggest shorter intervals based on your skin type, lifestyle, and the specific pigment used. It’s not a one-size-fits-all situation.

Your Skin Type Matters

Oily skin? You might need touch-ups sooner. Dry skin? Perhaps a bit later. Your skin type significantly impacts how well the pigment stays put, so keep that in mind when scheduling your sessions.

What Happens During a Touch-up?

Expect a shorter appointment than your initial microblading session. The artist will fill in any areas where the pigment has faded, make adjustments based on how your brows have healed, and possibly tweak the shape a bit to suit any changes in your facial structure or preferences.

The Small but Mighty Details

Touch-ups are not just for boosting the colour; they’re an opportunity to fine-tune the little things, whether that’s adjusting the brow’s arch or making the tails a smidgen longer.

It’s All About Longevity

A touch-up session is like a spa day for your brows. It keeps them looking fresh, fabulous, and utterly you. Trust us, once you see the reinvigorated results, you’ll be wondering why you didn’t book your touch-up session sooner.


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