

Are you bothered by small, unsightly skin tags or milia? These common skin issues can appear anywhere on the body and are usually harmless, but they can be annoying. In this blog post, we’ll explore two efficient and effective methods to get rid of them: skin tag and milia removal treatments.

What Are Skin Tags and Milia?

Skin Tags: These are small, flesh-coloured growths that hang from the skin. They’re common in areas where the skin rubs together like neck, armpits, and groin.

Milia: These are tiny white bumps that appear on the skin, commonly on the face. They occur when keratin gets trapped under the skin.

Why Remove Them?

Although they’re usually harmless, many people choose to remove skin tags and milia for aesthetic reasons or because they cause discomfort.

The Treatment Process

Skin Tag Removal:

This is often done using surgical scissors, cryotherapy (freezing), or cauterisation (burning).

Milia Removal:

The most common treatment is de-roofing, where a sterile needle is used to remove the milia.

Recovery and Aftercare

After removal, the treated area might be a bit sensitive. Follow aftercare instructions to minimise any discomfort and prevent infection.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is the Treatment Painful?

Generally, the treatments are quick and involve minimal pain.

  • How Long Does the Treatment Take?

Both treatments usually take less than 30 minutes.

  • Are There Any Side Effects?

Side effects are generally minor and could include temporary redness or sensitivity in the treated area.

Ready to Say Goodbye to Skin Tags and Milia?

If skin tags and milia are affecting your confidence, don’t hesitate to take the next step. Book a consultation today and take the first step towards clearer, more beautiful skin.


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